Tuesday, October 27, 2009
{ VI # 6 } Just to make sure it isn't dead @ 3:30 AM

Ok.Read my title? Today band ended at about 3++ which I found it early. Anyway, today I handed up the streaming option form.Yes, I've finally made my choices although I'm still quite unsure about the sciences and geog/history part, & today the book list for next year is already given! It's expensive! Look at chemistery books' price and faint. Lots of people seem to be aiming for class 3I, well just hope that I'm able to get in...

Here are the choices I've made:

1st choice: Pure physics + Pure chemistery
2nd choice: Triple science

1st choice: Social Studies + Geography ( Elective)
2nd choice: Social Studies + History ( Elective)

1st choice: Additional Mathematics
2nd choice: Pure geography
3rd choice: Pure literature
4th choice: Principals Of Accounts


Oh man! I love typing out everything in full as I'm rather bored now. I saw sushi and ducky studying for maths o levels at the soft chair. Wish them good luck! November and December are like coming so soon!? Gosh. Very soon it'll be next year and then o levels!! It feels stressed to even think about it. Off to bathe now.BYEE~~